

Mogens Bjerg Mogensen
Professor Emeritus
DTU Energy
+45 46 77 57 26

SERC is a 6 year strategic center for research in fundamental aspects of electrochemical cells funded by the Programme Commission for Energy and Environment under the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. The SERC project was granted 25.7 million DKR (grant number 2104-06-0011) and the participants contribute with an equal amount. SERC runs from January 2007 to December 2012 and implements its science objectives through the education of Ph.D. students and postdocs.

Was funded by

DSF logo
The Strategic Electrochemistry Research Center was funded by The Danish Council for Strategic Research

The consortium behind the center consists of the leading Danish research institutions in the field and a wide spectrum of industrial partners.


The many complementary scientific and technological competences of the partners in, both high and low temperature fuel cells, electrolysers, sensor technology, image analysis and gas cleaning, combined with world class fundamental research knowledge ensure a high degree of synergy in the project. By having Risø National Laboratory as participant in all projects we ensure that this synergy will extend across the entire center.


SERC is intended as an open center in which other participants may join: Industrial companies may join if they have related activities in which the generated knowledge may be of practical use, and research institutions may join in case they are undertaking research which fits into the overall goal of the center.
27 JULY 2024